Sunday, February 7, 2021

Ground Floor

In the whirl of darkness, 

there is a spark of light that guides you...

In the twirling storm of despair, 

there is a gentle tide,

That guides you to shore…

In the broken days,

There is a kindness that uplifts your spirit…

In the shadow of a loss,

There is a healing touch to hold your soul…

In the chaos of war,

There is a road to peace…

In the vacuum of the solitude,

There is a whisper that talks to your soul…

In the wildest nightmare,

There is a chime that rescues you…


In the web of betrayal,

There is a resolve of trust…

In the wall of division,

There is a road to unity…

In the murkiness of lies,

There is a revelation of truth…

In the sea of sadness,

There is a pebble of joy…


In the grains of noise,

There is a mirror of clarity…

In the sea of greed,

There is a pail of generosity…

In the land of strangers,

There is a friend to be found…

In the pile of rumbles,

There is a spark of creation…

In the torrent of ignorance,

There is a shine of knowledge…

In the floor of heights,

There is a ground to be touched…


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